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Open Source Workload Automation

The lack of a suitable Workload Automation Systems when building an Open Source system stack, leads to serious problems in later production use, threatening the acceptability of the system. Due to the decision to release the BASIC Edition of the BICsuite Enterprise Job Scheduling System as schedulix under the GNU AGPL open source licence, this gap has been closed. schedulix is the Open Source Workload Automation Software, which meets the complex requirements of modern IT process automation.

schedulix was released as Open Source Software under the GNU AGPL licence in 2013 and is functional identical to the BASIC editon of the BICsuite Workload Automation System. BICsuite is a commercial product of independIT Integrative Technologies GmbH. BICsuite BASIC is in production use since many years and stands out in functionality, stability and reliability. independIT Integrative Technologies GmbH puts the BICsuite BASIC Edition at disposal to customers free of charge for many years under the label schedulix.

The developers of schedulix (independIT) also thank the Open Source Community without its work on operating systems, databases, webservers, development tools and many more, the development of the schedulix Workload Automation Software would have been unthinkable.

With schedulix independIT gives back it’s part to the community.

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